Risk Management

As a company responsible for supplying products and goods that are widely used throughout society, we will act with a social mission of providing a safe and stable supply of such products and goods. In the unlikely event that a risk materializes, we will work to eliminate or mitigate factors that could cause damage to various stakeholders including society, local communities, shareholders, customers, suppliers and employees. SAKATA INX will strive to ensure business continuity and stable development through the implementation of risk management.

Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

We have created a Business Continuity Plan as a guide for actions that is prompt and appropriate depending on the situation in the event of a crisis that could have a serious impact on business. In order to enhance the effectiveness of the plan, we will continue to revise it when necessary as we implement the PDCA cycle in our business continuity management system (BCMS). Through this initiative, we will work to strengthen our corporate structure.

Risk Management

In the event of a state of emergency, we shall place the highest priority on safety, and in order to ensure business continuity, all directors and employees shall work together to minimize losses, recover from damage and prevent reoccurrence to deal with and contain the crisis. It is also always important to be aware of the possibility of risk even in normal times, and to have a system in place to prepare for the materialization of risk. SAKATA INX has preparations for the materialization of risk based on the Risk Management Regulations and State of Emergency Management Regulations.

Information Security

The R&D Management Department properly manages intellectual property rights and other confidential corporate information, and the Information Systems Division takes rigorous measures to prevent information leaks. It include antivirus measures and restrictions on access to our internal network. We also raise awareness among employees regarding information leaks through measures such as training about targeted email attacks for randomly selected employees, and in doing so, we ensure an awareness of the importance of information security.

About Our Intellectual Property Strategy

We make efforts, as a member of society, to contribute to the overall development of society by actively creating, utilizing and protecting intellectual property as a means to secure competitiveness and to enhance corporate values.