
We will address global level societal issues and contribute to a better future.
In order for SAKATA INX to develop sustainably as a trusted company that people have high expectations, one of our most important tasks is to implement sustainable initiatives at the center of our business activities, including tackling climate change and other environmental issues, protecting human rights, creating a safe and rewarding work environment, and ensuring compliance and well-controlled governance. We will work to enhance the social values of our group by being sensitively aware of the demands from various stakeholders and responding appropriately to the social changes.
In the Nikkei Sustainability Comprehensive Survey, we were certified 3 stars for "Smart Work Management" and 3.5 stars for "SDGs Management" in the Nikkei Sustainability Comprehensive Survey.
Published the Integrated Report 2024
SAKATA Forest certified as a "Natural Symbiosis Site"
Scored B in CDP Reports of "Climate Change" and "Water Security"
SAKATA INX Group made commitment to SBT initiatives

- Building relationships with stakeholders
- Respect for Human Rights
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
- Construction of a Responsible Supply Chain Structure
- Health and Productivity Management
- Work-Life Fulfillment
- Human Resource Development
- Quality Initiatives
- Health & Safety at Work
- Contribution to Communities

- Environmental Management System
- Information Disclosure in line with TCFD recommendations
- Conservation of Biodiversity
- Reduction of Environmental Impact of Business Activities
- Reduction of Energy Use
- Reduction of Waste
- Prevention of Water Pollution
- Reduction of Emissions of Atmospheric Pollutants
- Environmentally-friendly Products

The SAKATA INX Group promotes the SDGs in order to achieve a sustainable world.
We shall respect human rights and go about our corporate activities with high ethical standards and a social conscience, and provide products, goods, and services that contribute to the resolution of various social issues and problems facing the global environment.