Work-Life Fulfillment

We believe that it is an important element when it comes to achieving work-life fullfilment to provide opportunities and an environment where each employee, regardless of gender or age, can exercise their individual abilities and find worth and satisfaction in their work.
To realize this goal, we are implementing various systems and measures to enable employees to have more time and to choose a variety of work styles according to their circumstances.

Work style reforms

As part of promoting work style reforms to support balancing work and child-rearing and others for employees, we have established the Review commitee for work style reforms meetings are held on a regular basis. We aim to create a company that is employee-friendly and rewarding. We are taking measures to reduce overtime and to promote efficient work. We have established Teleworking Rules related to the company's telework system. This has been implemented with the aim to increase productivity and efficient work through flexible working styles and work-life fulfillment by realizing diversified workstyles, and for business continuity in case of disasters, etc.

Certified as a company that practices Telework Tokyo Rule

In February 2023, we have been certified as a company that practices Telework Tokyo Rule by the Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
This system is for companies, organization, etc., that conduct business in Tokyo. Under the telework strategic vision, each company sets out their own original rule related to teleworking, etc. according to their situation.
We will continue to work to promote telework and set it well in place, and will also take the initiative to create a working environment that employees are satisfied with their job.

Telework Tokyo Rule

Declaration of Work Style Reforms promoted

We established and issued a declaration of work style reforms based on the policy of the work style reform project by the Osaka Labour Bureau

Declaration of Work Style Reforms Declaration of Work Style Reforms

Declaration of work style reforms

We will promote to reduce over-time and acquisition rate of annual paid leave.

Concrete measures

  • To reduce over-time, we will work to improve the working environment.
  • To promote the acquisition rate of annual paid leave, we will check the situation of acquisition rate and post the rate in our company intranet.
  • Labor and management will work together to promote work style reforms.

Internal Networks

We have set up 3 Internal Networks to provide opportunities for horizontal connections and information exchange among employees based on specific themes.

(1) Women’s Network

In April 2023, Women’s network has been set up as one of our internal networks. We will work to improve the work environment and organizational climate that can share worries among female employees and find solutions so that female employees can continue to work with a positive attitude. Through this network, we will promote to help each other, find solutions to their worries, awareness-raising, study sessions,etc.

Women's Network
Kickoff meeting (Osaka Head Office)
Women's Network
(Tokyo Head Office)

(2) Ikuboss Network

In July 2023, we has been set up the Ikuboss Network, intended for officers and employees with managerial positions. As the elements needed for a boss (managerial positions) changes vastly by time, Ikuboss shows the figure of a new type of boss that corresponds to the new era. We will work to change fixed ideas, work method and gender roles, and lead it to the growth of the company.

Ikuboss Network
Kickoff meeting (Osaka Head Office)
Ikuboss Network
(Tokyo Plant)

Joined Ikuboss Corporate Alliance*

In August 2022, we joined this alliance as part of our initiatives to accomplish our long-term strategic vision, "SAKATA INX VISION 2030," and the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Basic Policy established. We have also set out the Declaration of SAKATA INX Ikuboss.
Our aim is to create an organizational cliamte to foster ikuboss, ideal superior/boss, for the new era needed as employees are becoming more diversified: women empowerment, increase in ikumen, consideration of care taker, etc.

* Ikuboss is defined as a manager at any level who produces results for the company by supporting their team in achieving work-life balance, while also setting a good example by enjoying their own work and personal life.

Ikuboss Ikuboss

Declaration of SAKATA INX Ikuboss

  • Promote flexible work styles so that managers and their subordinates can fulfill work-life
  • Managers can work in ways they like, and can lead to create an organizational climate so that their subordinates are able to work to their fullest potentail
  • Establish a system that both male and female employees can acquire childcare leave to care for the child and support parenting

(3) Working Parents Network

In July 2023, Working parents network has been set up. Working parents are employees who balance work and childcare. We aim to create a working environment that promotes understanding and supports working parents. This network will work together with employees who have/have not experience in childcare and employees who are interested in childcare.

Working Parents Network
Kickoff meeting
(Osaka Head Office)
Working Parents Network
(Tokyo Head Office)
Working Parents Network
(Osaka Plant)
Working Parents Network
(Tokyo Plant)

Childcare support

As employment system, we have Childcare Leave Rules to support balancing work and child-rearing, etc. We conduct awareness programs related to chidcare leave and participation in child-rearing, etc. Our permissible leave period, shortened working hours, exemption from overtime work and others are based on the Childcare and Family Care Act. If employees were to make requests to the company to use this short-time work system, it is possible to take advange of this sytem until the year-end of their children are in the 3rd grade, which is an extended period compared to the law.

General Employer Action Plan (Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children)

Formulate the following action plan to help employees balance work and raising children and to help all employees fully demonstrate their capabilities.

1. Period of the plan

Two years from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025

2. Details

Goal 1:

Increase the percentages of employees taking childcare-related leave or days off to at least the following levels within the planned period.

Male employees — Increase the percentage to 70% or higher.

Term: January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025


  • Continue to implement the program granting days off and shorter working hours to enable employees to care for children.
  • Facilitate the activities of employees who are raising children (or plan to do so in the future) through a network (the Working Parents Network).
  • Promote awareness-raising activities to support childcare (paternity classes, childcare leave events, etc.)
  • Conduct interviews before and after childcare leave (to eliminate differences in awareness between people taking leave/days off and their co-workers)

Goal 2:

Step up efforts to develop an environment that enhances both work and childcare within the planned period.

Term: January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025


  • Continue to facilitate diverse work styles and implement a range of related measures such as flextime, teleworking, no-overtime days and encouraging employees to take annual leave.
  • Enhance programs for taking leave/days off relating to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare.
  • Update the guidebook on childcare and ensure it is used internally.

January 1, 2024

Preparing a guidebook for employees to balance work and childcare

We support the balance between work and childcare, regardless of gender, and is committed to creating a workplace environment where everyone can work comfortably and find job satisfaction. As part of this effort, we have prepared a guidebook for employees that compiles a variety of information from pregnancy to maternity leave, childcare leave, and returning to work.
Through the use of this guidebook, we aim to deepen the understanding of systems related to childbirth and childcare not only for the childcare generation but also for the entire workplace, and to foster a workplace environment that allows employees to further balance work and childcare.

Preparing a guidebook for employees
Preparing a guidebook for employees
Preparing a guidebook for employees

Support for male employees to participate in childcare and housework

We joined the Ikuboss Corporate Alliance in 2022, and we held a father's class in 2023. We have also introduced services to support male employees' childcare leave including manager training on male childcare leave, etc. The acquisition rate of male employees taking childcare leave, etc. have recently increased. The acquisition rate is 69.5% in FY2023.

Caregiver and Sick Care Support

For employees who have family members in need of nursing care, we have established Caregiver Leave Rules to provide our employees with permissible leave period, shortened working hours, exemption from overtime work or a cap on overtime work-hours and others. Caregiver leave can be taken up to a total of 186 days, which exceeds the days stipulated by law, 93 days, to look after for their family members in need of care. If the company approves, it is possible to take a leave for a maximum of 365 days. Employees can also take in 30 minutes intervals of Short-term leave for Caregiver, which is our original system. In addition to this, we have Sick Care Leave Rules for employees who have family members in need of sick care. They can use their sick care leave and retention of paid leave.

Certified to use "Tomonin" mark

In August 2022, our initiatives have been recognized and we have been certified to use the Tomonin mark created by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company working on developing a workplace environment for balancing work and nursing care.


Preparing a guidebook for employees to balance work and family care

We are promoting initiatives to improve and enhance the workplace environment in order to realize diverse work styles, with the aim of improving productivity by allowing employees to work with both physical and mental fulfillment.
As one of our efforts, we have prepared a guidebook for employees that compiles basic knowledge related to family care and information on various support systems and services.
In addition to publishing this guidebook, by working to enhance work-life balance support systems and opportunities to provide information on nursing care, we aim to deepen understanding not only among those involved in family care but also throughout the workplace, and foster creating a work environment where you can continue working with peace of mind.

Preparing a guidebook for employees
Preparing a guidebook for employees
Preparing a guidebook for employees

Retention of paid leave

Retention of paid leave can be accumulated up to 50 days of expired paid leave. It can be used for nursing of family members, medical check-up and vaccination for their children, prenatal care, nursing for spouse when giving birth, etc.

Support for Volunteering

We have established a Volunteer Leave System to support employees who volunteer in the 3 priority areas of global environment, next generation and local community. Employees can take an annual total of 5 days as paid leave with ordinary wages paid. As part of our social contribution activity, we have made donations to disaster areas, book donations converted to cash, beach cleanup activities, etc.

Refresh Leave System

Employees with 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of continued service are granted 3 or 5 consecutive days of paid leave depending on their length of service.

Other initiatives

We are promoting diversity, work style reforms, improvement in work environment, etc. One example is the introduction of Office Casual Style that is allows employees not wearing a tie all year round. The aim is to improve work efficiency, promote independence and creativity and help create innovations by having employees work in casual clothes that are comfortable to work in. By synergizing with our other initiatives, regardless of position, age, gender, etc., we will build equal relationships that are easier to approach, accelerate communication and to foster a more comfortable work culture.