Initiatives Endorsed and Supported, Organizations Joined
- Japan Climate Initiative
- Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA)
- R Plus Japan
- GX League Basic Concept
- Japan Circular Economy Partnership (J-CEP)
- Life Cycle Assessment Promotion Consortium
- 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity
- Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration Initiative
- Kansai SDGs Platform
- OZCaF (OSAKA, JAPAN・Zero Carbon・Smart City・Foundation)
- Green Purchasing Network
- Deco-Katsu
- Chiba SDGs Partner
- Osaka Prefecture My SDGs declaration project
ESG in general
Signing up to the United Nations Global Compact
In February 2022, we signed the United Nations Global Compact and were registered as a participating company. Along with this, we joined Global Compact Network Japan, a network of all the Japanese companies that have signed the UN’s Global Compact.
We endorse the 10 principles of the UN’s Global Compact, which are related to things such as the protection of human rights, the elimination of unfair labor, environmental response and anti-corruption, and we are continuing to work towards making those a reality.
The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact
Human Rights |
Labor |
Environment |
Anti-Corruption |
Participation in Nikkei ESG Management Forum
In April 2022, we participated in the Nikkei ESG Management Forum. The Nikkei ESG Management Forum is a membership organization, which the Nikkei BP is the secretariat and issues a monthly magazine Nikkei ESG that delivers ESG initiatives of companies, investor trends, etc. from the three aspects of information dissemination, information gathering, and surveys and research.
We joined this with the aim to gather newest information and further our understanding on ESG. We will continue to promote ESG activities, and contribute to realize a sustainable society.
Signing up to the WEPs
In August 2022, we endorsed the spirit of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) that were jointly created by the UN Global Compact (UNGC) and the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM, currently UN Women). We signed the Statement of Support to act on those principles and were registered as a participating company.
The WEPs are a set of seven principles jointly created by the UNGC and UN Women in March 2010, and they are a framework for voluntary pledges between the UN and companies.
The 7 WEP Principles
- 【Principle 1】 High-level corporate leadership
- 【Principle 2】 Treat all women and men fairly at work without discrimination
- 【Principle 3】 Employee health, well-being and safety
- 【Principle 4】 Education and training for career advancement
- 【Principle 5】 Enterprise development, supply chain and marketing practices
- 【Principle 6】 Community initiatives and advocacy
- 【Principle 7】 Measurement and reporting
Gender equality and the empowerment of women is necessary to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. At our group, we are also engaging in the promotion of DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging).
Membership of Sedex
In February 2022, we joined Sedex.
Sedex is a membership organization that offers a platform to share information on ethical and responsible business practices in the global supply chain. Additionally, through self-evaluation surveys, members are able to evaluate their responsible supply chain activities in the fields of labor, health and safety, the environment and business logic.
We plan to continue to offer reliable and safe products. In addition to this, we are going to use the Sedex platform in order to carry out our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and will keep working to further reduce the risk to society and the environment in our purchasing activities.
Endorsement of My Declaration of Human Rights
On November 2023, we endorsed "My Declaration of Human Rights" project promoted by the Ministry of Justice and the National Federation of Human Rights Commissioners, and published our own declaration.
My Declaration of Human Rights is an initiative that aims to realize a society in which everyone respects human rights by having companies, organizations and individuals declare their respect for human rights in practice. We have established “SAKATA INX Group Human Rights Policy” and promote initiatives to respect human rights by prohibiting unfair discrimination and human rights violations derived from nationality, race, creed, religion, gender, physical disability or other grounds.
We will continue to promote business activities that respect the human rights of various stakeholders and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.
Endorsement of #HereWeGo203030
In February 2022, we expressed our endorsement of the Japan Business Federation’s #HereWeGo203030.
In their .The NEW Growth Strategy published in November 2020, the Japan Business Federation puts forward #HereWeGo203030. This is a statement of their intent to have 30% of executives be women by 2030. They believe key to sustainable capitalism is the inclusion of and collaboration between a diverse set of values and see it important to accelerate initiatives towards promoting the utilization of a diverse set of peoples.
We understand that training and utilizing a variety of human resources is necessary for sustained growth, and we are progressing working environment improvements, human resource development reform, organizational culture reform and further strengthening our diversity and inclusion initiatives.
Partnership Building Declaration
In February 2022, we expressed our endorsement of the Partnership Building Declaration structure.
The Partnership Building Declaration was established by the Council on Promoting Partnership Building for Cultivating the Future, which has the heads of economic organizations and related cabinet ministers as members. The declaration is for small, medium and large businesses to create sustainable relationships that allow them to grow together. It is declared by heads of companies to promote prosperous coexistence throughout the supply chain as a whole, to create new links regardless of scale or group, and to engage in desirable dealings between parent enterprises and subcontractors.
To continue to undertake new cooperative projects with our suppliers, we are aiming to build mutual confidence while realizing both prosperous coexistence and a sustainable society.

White Logistics Movement
In July 2020, we participated in the White Logistics Movement started by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
The White Logistics Movement is a response to the worsening problem of a lack of truck drivers, and works both to stably secure the logistics necessary for the life of people and industrial activities, as well as to make contributions to economic growth.
We are cooperating to improve the efficiency and productivity of logistics. As these logistics are needed for the life of people and industrial activities, we are contributing to stably securing them and to economic growth.

◆Movement goals
- Increase the productivity of shipping by truck and streamline logistics
- Realize a more sustainable working environment that female and elderly drivers find more accommodating
Details of our independent action plan
Initiative items | Initiative details |
Improvement proposals for logistics and cooperation | In the event our customers or distribution companies request reductions to waiting times for cargo or to manual unloading work for drivers, or for the streamlining of incidental work, we will engage in earnest deliberations and actively offer suggestions. |
Utilization of pallets | We will reduce time needed for cargo work through the utilization of pallets, cage carts, folding containers and returnable shipping cartons. |
Modal shift to marine vessels and rail | We will switch from trucks to ferries, roll-on/roll-off ships and rail for long-distance transport.
When this happens, we will perform the necessary revisions for transportation details and cost allocations. |
Promotion of documentation of transport contracts | We will promote the documentation of transport contracts. |
Consideration to compliance with the law in the selection of contracted partners | When selecting a distribution company to contract, we will do so on the basis of their compliance with related laws and ordinances. |
Safety countermeasures during cargo work | When cargo work is being performed, we will clarify safe work procedures and form measures like securing safety routes to prevent the occurrence of occupational hazards. |
Suspension or interruption of operations during abnormal weather | If abnormal weather like typhoons, heavy rain, heavy snowfall, etc., has occurred or is going to occur, we will not make unreasonable transport requests. Additionally, to secure the safety of drivers, we will respect the judgements of distribution companies when they have deemed it necessary to suspend or interrupt operations. |
Promotion of collaborative logistics | We are working to streamline logistics through the promotion of collaborative logistics with other companies. |
Joined Ikuboss Corporate Alliance*
In August 2022, we joined this alliance as part of our initiatives to accomplish our long-term strategic vision, "SAKATA INX VISION 2030," and the DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) Basic Policy established. We have also set out the Declaration of SAKATA INX Ikuboss. Our aim is to create an organizational cliamte to foster ikuboss, ideal superior/boss, for the new era needed as employees are becoming more diversified: women empowerment, increase in ikumen, consideration of care taker, etc.
* Ikuboss is defined as a manager at any level who produces results for the company by supporting their team in achieving work-life balance, while also setting a good example by enjoying their own work and personal life.

Declaration of SAKATA INX Ikuboss
- Promote flexible work styles so that managers and their subordinates can fulfill work-life
- Managers can work in ways they like, and can lead to create an organizational climate so that their subordinates are able to work to their fullest potentail
- Establish a system that both male and female employees can acquire childcare leave to care for the child and support parenting
Participation as Riko-challe supporter
In August 2022, we participated as a Riko-challe Supporter, supporting the Riko Challenge Summer of 2022, which is aimed at offering more opportunities in the fields of science and engineering to female high-school and university students. The Riko Challenge is promoted by the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, the Education Policy Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and the Japan Business Federation.
The Riko-challe, short for Riko Challenge, is an initiative led by the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, and is aimed at fostering interest in the fields of science and engineering in female high-school and university students, allowing them to form a clear picture of what they want in their future and pick the path that is right for them.
The development and utilization of a diverse group of human resources is essential for the sustainable growth of our group, and we are further strengthening our initiatives promoting DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging).

Declaration of Work Style Reforms promoted by the Osaka Labour Bureau
In March 2023, we established and issued a declaration of work style reforms based on the policy of the work style reform project by the Osaka Labour Bureau. This declaration is a part of the Osaka Labour Bureau Work style reforms Promotion Headquarter’s (unofficial translation) measure to propel work style reforms including reduction in regular working hours and others. It is an initiative for companies operating in Osaka.

Declaration of work style reforms
We will promote to reduce over-time and acquisition rate of annual paid leave.Concrete measures
- To reduce over-time, we will work to improve the working environment.
- To promote the acquisition rate of annual paid leave, we will check the situation of acquisition rate and post the rate in our company intranet.
- Labor and management will work together to promote work style reforms.
Endorsement of Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
In February 2022, we announced our endorsement of the TCFD proposals and joined the TCFD Consortium, a place for dialogue between participating companies and financial institutions.
In response to the requests of the G20 nations, the Financial Stability Board (FSB) established the TCFD in 2015 to disclose climate-related financial information and to investigate the response of financial institutions. In the TCFD recommendations released in 2017, companies were encouraged to disclose climate-related governance for risks and opportunities, strategies, risk management, indices and goals.
Our group is promoting increasing our ratio of environmentally-friendly products and reducing the environmental impact of our production activities. We are aiming to achieve the goal of reducing our green-house gas emissions by 50% (compared to FY2013) that we set in our “SAKATA INX VISION 2030” Long-term Strategic Vision. We will continue to actively disclose information, and will keep working towards the resolution of a variety of societal issues and the creation of a sustainable society.
Participation in Japan Climate Initiative
In April 2023, we participated in the Japan Climate Initiative.
The Japan Climate Initiative is a network established in July 2018 that consists of diverse entities that are non-national governments including companies, local governments, organizations, NGOs, etc. committed to implement climate actions in Japan. The initiative carries out activities based on the declaration of joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan.
By joining this initiative, we aim is to take further measures to reduce emissions of environmentally harmful substances in our production activities and deploy environmentally friendly products actively through our corporate activities to this end, and work to resolve societal issues including climate change in order to build a sustainable society.
Participation in Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance
In January 2019, we participated in the Japan Clean Ocean Material Alliance (CLOMA), which promotes initiatives aimed at combatting marine plastic pollution.
It promotes the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) that make the use of plastic products more sustainable, in addition to the new Replace initiative, aimed at developing and introducing substitute materials. It is also aimed at accelerating innovation through public-private partnerships. We belong to the technical subcommittee, and are promoting the strengthening of the 3 Rs for plastic products as well as technical cooperation that goes beyond industry barriers.
We are contributing to the prevention of marine plastic pollution.
Investment in R Plus Japan
In November 2020, we participated in investment in R Plus Japan to contribute to the resolution of the plastic problem towards the realization of a sustainable society. R Plus Japan is a joint investment company started in June 2020. We are working to recycle used plastic.
Through our participation in this joint venture, we are promoting the recycling of used plastic and are making contributions to the realization of a sustainable society as a member of the value chain.

Endorsement of GX League Basic Concept
In April 2022, we expressed our endorsement of the GX League Basic Concept. Looking towards the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050 and to revolutionize society, the GX League is a group of enterprises that are actively engaging in Green Transformation (GX). The GX League was established as a place for government, academia and finance to take on green transformation, to come together and hold discussions on transforming the entire economic and social system and to cooperate on implementation for the creation of new markets. We are going to further enrich our existing initiatives towards the realization of a carbon neutral society, and make contributions towards the realization of a sustainable society.
Participation in Japan Circular Economy Partnership (J-CEP)
In April 2022, we participated in the Japan Circular Economy Partnership (J-CEP).
J-CEP is a partnership for the co-creation of new businesses oriented towards the promotion of a circular economy. Companies that are aiming at the realization of a sustainable society collaborate with people, the government and academia.
By participating in initiatives of J-CEP, we are making contributions towards the realization of a circular economy through collaboration with local municipalities and diverse businesses.

Participation in Life Cycle Assessment Promotion Consortium
In March 2022, we participated in the Life Cycle Assessment Promotion Consortium.
The consortium is an organization aiming to develop and provide a consistent, reliable, and fair methodology for quantitative assessment of environmental and social aspects based on scientific life cycle thinking and to promote understanding of this methodology among various stakeholders.
We joined this initiative with the purpose to disclose information to the public based on fair and reliable method to calculate GHG emissions data.
We will continue to take the initiative to reduce the environmental load by reducing GHG emissions and others. We will also work to promote proper assessment method within the company so that we can contribute to realize a sustainable society.
Participation in the TNFD (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure) Forum
In November 2023, we endorsed the philosophy of the TNFD, and joined the TNFD Forum supporting its activities.
The TNFD is an international initiative formed in June 2021 as a framework for non-financial disclosure in the environmental sector, followed by the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD). It aims to provide a framework to encourage companies, institutions or organizations to disclose information on risks and opportunities related to natural environment and biodiversity, and to shift global financial flows towards nature positive.
As we have defined "Activities to maintain a sustainable global environment" as a materiality (key issue), we have fostered understanding of the impact on biodiversity by our business activities and promoted conservation activities in cooperation with our stakeholders.
We will promote not only appropriate disclosure of natural capital information to realize a sustainable society and enhance our corporate value, but also further sustainability initiatives throughout our Group.
Participation in 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity
In April 2022, we participated in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity, which is aimed at protecting biodiversity.
The goal of 30by30 is to conserve and protect 30% of all land and sea area by 2030. This alliance is a voluntary coalition in Japan that has tasked themselves to achieve the 30by30 Roadmap. We are going to continue to strengthen initiatives to conserve biodiversity.

Endorsement of the Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration Initiative
In January 2023, we expressed our endorsement of the Japan Business Federation’s (hereinafter referred to as Keidanren) Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation.
Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation is a group of companies and organizations, which adopt and take the initiative to achieve the plural items among 7 items of, and/or agree with the whole idea and purpose in the “Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren (Revised Edition).”
Declaration of Biodiversity by Keidanren (Revised Edition)
1. Responsibility of management |
2. Global perspective |
3. Voluntary actions |
4. Integrated Environmental Corporate Management |
5. Revitalization of regions making full use of natural capital |
6. Partnership |
7. Environmental Education / Human Resource Development |
Our Group endorsed the contents of the above declaration. We consider the maintenance of a sustainable global environment to be the most important management challenge, and are committed to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, which forms the basis of our social activities.
Joined the Kansai SDGs Platform
We joined the Kansai SDGs Platform in June 2018. The platform's objectives are : (1) widely publicize the concept of SDGs as well as the fact that engaging with SDGs is vitally important for the private sector, civil society, NPO/NGOs, universities and research institutions, local administration and government agencies, and all the people in the Kansai region, and to (2) foster networking and collaboration among all stakeholders in order to accelerate activities in the Kansai region that aim to build a sustainable society and economic activities that generate high social benefits.
To accomplish the goals in SDGs by 2030, SAKATA INX Group takes the initiative through our business activities to resolve societal issues in order to build a sustainable society by increasing the ratio of environmentally-friendly products, reducing green-house gas emissions and environmental burden in production, offering a sustainable work environment, enhancing corporate governance and risk management, etc.

Participation in OSAKA, JAPAN・Zero Carbon・Smart City・Foundation (OZCaF)
In December 2023, we participated in "OSAKA, JAPAN・Zero Carbon・Smart City・Foundation."
OZCaF is an organization that aims to play a leading role in achieving a carbon neutral society by2050 and realizes a decarbonized approach to achieving the SDGs from Osaka by bringing industry-academia-government-private sector together.
In order to achieve the SDGs and promote activities for realization of a decarbonized society, we will work in partnership and collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, including companies, universities, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations.

Joined the Green Purchasing Network
In September 2001, we joined the Green Purchasing Network.
This organization encourages companies to make procurement decisions with an eye to the environment by giving preference to products and services with a lower environmental impact (green purchasing). Its purpose is to contribute in building a sustainable circular society, and conducting awareness activities to disseminate green purchasing, research and study, etc.
As part of our environmental activities, we take the initiative in purchasing green purchasing compliant products and others.
Endorsement of National Movement for New and Prosperous Lifestyles toward Decarbonization
In September 2023, we endorsed National Movement for New and Prosperous Lifestyles toward Decarbonization promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, and issued the Deco-katsu Declaration. And we joined the Deco-Katsu Supporters (Public-Private Partnership Council) in November of the same year.
In order to achieve our greenhouse gas (Scope 1&2) reduction target of 50% below 2013 level by 2030 and virtually zero by 2050, we will continue to engage in energy conservation activities, introduce renewable energy, and develop sustainable products or services that contribute to a decarbonized society.
*The endorsement for COOL CHOICE, which we registered in June 2017, has been transferred to Deco-Katsu.
Declaration of SAKATA INX Deco-Katsu
Declaration 1: | We support the people's new and prosperous life (“Deco-Katsu") through the development of products, services, and initiatives that lead to decarbonization! |
Declaration 2: | We practice "Deco-Katsu" (Prosperous lifestyles leading to decarbonization) in our daily life and work! |
Joined Osaka Prefecture My SDGs declaration project
We joined the My SDGs declaration project promoted by Osaka Prefecture in December 2022.
My SDGs declration project is a project for various stakeholders to understand SDGs by companies and organizations operating in Osaka prefecture to issue declarations so that it leads to detailed actions to realize SDGs based on Osaka Prefecture's Osaka SDGs Code of Conudct.
SAKATA INX Group takes the initiative through our business activities to resolve societal issues in order to build a sustainable society by increasing the ratio of environmentally-friendly products, reducing green-house gas emissions and environmental burden in production, offering a sustainable work environment, enhancing corporate governance and risk management, etc.