Prevention of Water Pollution
We work to prevent water pollution by treating waste wash water and other wastewater generated in the plant in our wastewater treatment facilities before discharging from the plant.
We perform regular water quality inspections on the basis of ordinances and agreements with the relevant local authority, and monitor the quality of discharged water.
In FY2022, SAKATA INX used 110,000m3 of water resources for facility cleaning, heating/cooling, products, and other such purposes, and discharged 66,000m3. 61,000m3 (92.4%) of this was discharged into public sewers and 3,000m3 (4.6%) was discharged to off-premise water treatment plants, with 2,000m3 (3.0%) being discharged into rivers. The graph below shows the change in BOD and COD calculated from measured values and discharge volume. The total for FY2022 was 0.2t and 0.2t, respectively.
Furthermore, SAKATA INX has started a survey concerning water risk (risk in terms of volume and quality, flooding, drought, water stress, etc.) for group companies using the World Resources Institute (WRI)’s AQUEDUCT evaluation tool. Going forward we will investigate how to respond to this risk, including future projections.