Human Resource Development

Based on our corporate philosophy, Mind within the Mind, we are working towards human capital management. Our vision is to have all employees demonstrate their individual strengths, and create new ideas and values to achieve the long-term strategic vision.
In order to realize this vision, it is necessary to have human resources who can create reforms and enjoy taking on challenges with others with a global perspective. We are training and vitalizing human resources by providing education to employees with this mindset so that they can obtain necessary knowledge, capability and skill related to their duties.

▼Our way of thinking on human capital investment

human capital investment

Realize an organizational climate that human resources with challenging sprit can perform to their best

Dialogues with employees from different departments/divisions, age and position are held to enhance communication and to understand each employee's value. This is also held with the purpose to create fellowship among employees and acknowledge each other's differences. Our aim is to make reforms in our organization that can offer various opinions and create new products.

Provide educational training

As the growth of each employee is the basis to realize our long-term strategic vision and the sustainable growth for SAKATA INX Group, we are systematically implementing and laying down educational system so that each employee can grow, create their own career plan, and enhance their abilities and skills autonomously. Our educational system is shown in the chart below. We have initiatives in place to ensure effective capability development and human resource development through level- (job grade) and division-specific education. In addition, each department and committee provides information on the company’s current state of affairs, current topics and a range of explanations related to our business operations through our intranet in order to raise employees’ awareness of compliance, environmental considerations and traffic safety. We also conduct overseas training, accepting overseas trainees, etc. to develop and create global human resources.

▼Actual training data

Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total training hours hours 1,820 4,506 12,731
Average training hours (per person) hours 2.1 4.7 11.1

*Training hours only in Japan

▼Educational system

Educational system

Support career development and capacity building

Target management system is implemented for career development at the company. Employees have the opportunity to hold individual interviews with their superior/boss twice a year. They can discuss their achievements, career, self-development, etc. SAKATA INX places importance on the challenging spirit of the employee. We are working to implement schemes including pay rise or promotion regardless of the number of years with the company for employees who have been successful to produce results, and also internal recruitment, internal side job, etc. by employees raising their hands.
We have also established a correspondence education incentive scheme and a qualification acquisition incentive scheme to support employees in their efforts towards self-development and career development. We provide e-learning, external courses, etc. which can be selected by the employee. Furthermore, the company subsidizes the expense or pay incentives for the employee when the distance learning ends or acquires certification.

Employee Engagement

We conduct an employee awareness survey every year for employee engagement. We are making improvements including system reforms, etc. with the aim to grow employees and to further enhance our employee engagement.