Material Issues & KPI

Material Issues

SAKATA INX Group specifies strengthening ESG/Sustainability efforts by emphasizing the global environment and local community as its strategic direction in its "SAKATA INX VISION 2030" long-term Strategic Vision, and defines its purpose as developing a communication culture that makes people’s lives more enjoyable. From these perspectives, we have identified five material issues in reflection on the correlation between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted at the United Nations Summit and issues facing society as set out in domestic and international guidelines and frameworks, and our business activities.
We then set our own KPI after analyzing the expectations and requirements of our stakeholders and our relationships with local communities. We continuously monitor the progress of our KPI every year, and work to build more trust with stakeholders and achieve a sustainable society.

Materiality Identification Process

Materiality Identification Process

SAKATA INX Group Material Issues

SAKATA INX Group Material Issues

We set KPI for the main initiatives for the identified materialities In order to enhance ESG and sustainability initiatives, we will continue to set a range of targets and take action towards them.

Main KPI for 2030

  • 50% reduction in GHG compared to 2013 (Scope 1 & 2 for domestic emissions in Japan)
  • Building a strong supply chain management
  • Health & Productivity Management White 500 certification
  • Increasing the ratio of botanical series in our products
  • Establishment of a global risk management system
  • Childcare leave usage rate (both men and women) of 100%
  • Ratio of females in management positions in Japan of 15% or more, etc.