SAKATA INX Information Disclosure Policy
Basic Stance
We are committed to timely and appropriate disclosure of information. We will build good relationships and endeavor to enhance communication with our shareholders, investors, customers, community and all other stakeholders through public and investor relations activities.
Standards for Information Disclosure
We conduct timely and appropriate information disclosure in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Companies Act and all other applicable laws and regulations (hereinafter referred to as laws) as well as the ""Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities"" (hereinafter referred to as Timely Disclosure Rules) laid down by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
We proactively disclose not only financial information such as business results, investments, business activities, etc. but also non-financial information and others such as environmental, social and governance, which is determined to be helpful to all stakeholders even though it is does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Methods for Information Disclosure
We disclose information that is defined in the Timely Disclosure Rules through the “Timely Disclosure Network system (TDnet)” provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As a rule, after promptly disclosing the information, we will publish it on our website. We also disclose information according to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act through the “Electronic Disclosure for Investors' Network of the disclosure documents such as securities reports (EDINET)” provided by the Financial Services Agency.
Besides the above information, we will promptly disclose them in an appropriate manner such as publishing it on the TDnet, issuing a press release, having an explanatory session, publishing it on our website, etc.
Quiet Period
We have stipulated a quiet period from the day after the end of each quarter until the day of the financial results announcement to prevent the leak of financial results-related information and to ensure the fairness of disclosure. During that period, we refrain from answering questions and making other comments pertaining to our financial results. Provided, however, that the projected business results and others are expected to be revised during the quiet period, we will appropriately disclose information based on the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Future outlook
Disclosure of information includes business forecasts and future outlook. Actual results may differ from the prospects because the forward-looking statements made by the company are based on information available at the time of disclosure.
All disclosure information (including those provided on our website) intends to provide information to all stakeholders to foster understanding of our company, and no content is disclosed to solicit investing into the company.
Established on August 1, 2022