Basic Policy on Biodiversity

Under our Basic Environmental Philosophy which states "SAKATA INX Group recognizes that it is the most important management challenge to maintain a sustainable global environment. We continue to promote environmentally-friendly initiatives in our corporate activities," we aim to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity as the basis for our social activities.
We hereby enact the “SAKATA INX Group Basic Policy on Biodiversity” as the guideline for putting this policy into practice.

1. Management issues

We will position proactive efforts to conserve biodiversity as an important issue for the business continuity.

2. Identifying and reducing impacts

We will identify the impact on biodiversity in all of our business activities in Japan and overseas, and make efforts to reduce environmental impact throughout the value chain.

3. Expansion of environmentally-friendly products

We will promote product and technological development that considers biodiversity, and will contribute to environmental conservation.

4. Cooperation with stakeholders

We will promote biodiversity conservation activities in cooperation and collaboration with various stakeholders, including customers, business partners, local communities, government agencies, NGO, etc.

5. Information sharing

We will proactively disclose information on our company's biodiversity initiatives.
We will also promote biodiversity education and awareness among our employees.

Established on February 1, 2023