SAKATA INX Group Basic Procurement Policy

SAKATA INX Group conducts procurement activities, with high ethics and social common sense, in compliance with domestic and foreign laws and regulations. We will fulfill our corporate social responsibility based on fair, equitable and honest procurement activities by taking society into account-protection and restoration of the global environment, preservation of resources, occupational safety and health, human rights, etc. in our entire supply chain.
We recognize all of our suppliers as important business partners in order to provide better products, commodities and services. We aim to build mutual trust, co-existence and co-prosperity, and to achieve a sustainable society.

1. Fairness, Equitability and Transparency

  • We determine suppliers with fairness, equitability and transparency and free competition based on: rational judgement of quality, price and delivery time of raw materials, etc.; also corporate management stability, manufacturing and supply capability, environmental conservation activities and other important elements of candidates.
  • We provide potential suppliers with the opportunity of free competition that is fair, equitable, and transparent, regardless of nationality.
  • We recognize that our suppliers are important partners to conduct our business, and we strive to build mutual trust, share prosperity and achieve a sustainable society in our procurement activities.

2. Compliance with applicable laws

  • We carry out procurement activities in compliance with the spirit of relevant laws and social norms in each country and region.
  • We remain confidentiality regarding all supplier information obtained in our procurement activities. We also do not engage in procurement activities which infringe on third party rights such as intellectual property rights, etc.

3. Consideration of human rights and labor

  • We conduct all of our procurement activities based on our human rights policy
  • We give full consideration to respect for human rights, ban discrimination, basic labor rights, etc. We respect companies that promote proper employment management.

4. Responsibility to the environment

  • We recognize that it is important to protect and restore the global environment and preserve resources in all our procurement activities. We value companies that care for the environment.
  • We aim to further reduce the environmental load and to protect and restore the global environment. We value environmentally-friendly raw materials, etc.

5. Social Responsibility

  • We build partnerships with suppliers and strive to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities by giving full consideration to legal compliance, human rights, preservation of global environment and resources in all of our procurement activities.

Enacted on February 14, 2022