- Profile of the company
- Business Performance and Account Settlement information
- About stocks
- Other inquiries
Profile of the company
When was SAKATA INX founded and established?
The company was founded in November 1896 in Osaka. It was established in September 1920.
→History -
What was the old company name?
The company was originally called "SAKATA INK SEIZOUSHO", changed to "SAKATA SHOUKAI" in 1906, and changed to its current name of "SAKATA INX CORPORATION" in 1987.
What is the origin of the company name “SAKATA INX…”?
SAKATA comes from the surname of our founder Tsuneshirou Sakata. INX is a coined word combining “INK” (which is the foundation of our business) with “X” to represent the unlimited number of possibilities for business expansion and capacity for technological development. “…” is added at the end to express the endless development of the company into the future to make SAKATA INX ….
What kind of business is SAKATA INX involved in?
We mainly manufacture and sell printing ink that are used for various types of printings. We have also made use of our ink development and manufacturing technologies to manufacture and sell inkjet ink, image display materials for LCD displays, and coating agents that are applied to film or paper to achieve a variety of functions. What′s more, in Japan we sell printing-related equipment, materials, digital devices, etc.
When did SAKATA INX first list shares?
We listed on the "First Section" of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in December 1988. In April 2022, due to the revision of the Tokyo Stock Exchange's market divisions, the market moved from the "First Section" to the "Prime Market."
→History -
Where are your consolidated affiliated companies based?
We have 26 companies located in Japan and overseas. We also have 4 equity method affiliates.
→Affiliated Companies
→Global Network -
Are you part of a business conglomerate?
We do not belong to any business conglomerates.
Are you a family business?
What is your overseas sales?
Our overseas sales account for more than 60% of our total sales.
How does overseas productions operate?
Our basic system is to produce and sell locally. We have production facilities in various locations : Americas, Europe and Asia.
→Global Network
Business Performance and Account Settlement information
When does the company′s fical year end?
It ends on December 31. (From the year ended December 31, 2015)
When does the company announce its financial results?
The company announces its quarterly financial results, and yearly financial results in early February each year.
→IR Calendar -
How can I obtain the latest information on the company′s financial results?
Information on the company′s financial results is announced in accordance with the timely disclosure regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Please see the TDnet site set up by the Tokyo Stock Exchange for the latest information.
→IR Library -
Where can I see the financial statements?
Please see the financial statements page.
→IR Library -
Where can I see the annual report?
We do not currently make an annual report.
About stocks
What is your securities code?
The stock number is 4633 (Prime Market in the Tokyo Stock Exchange).
How many shares are in a unit of trade?
Is the company listed overseas?
Who is the manager of the shareholder register?
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited. Please see the share information for details.
Basic Stock Information -
I want to know about various procedures concerning shares, like changing my address and trading shares that are less than a unit.
Please direct your inquiry to the securities firm that holds your account.
Further, for shareholders who have a special account established as they do not have an account with a securities firm, please make an inquiry with Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited, as they are the institution managing special accounts.
(telephone inquiry number) 0120-782-031
Basic Stock Information -
I would like to know about payment for unpaid dividends.
Please make an inquiry with the shareholder register manager, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited.
(telephone inquiry number) 0120-782-031
Basic Stock Information -
Do you have a shareholders' special benefits plan?
We do. Shareholders who are listed or recorded in the shareholder register as of December 31 of that year and who also hold at least one unit of shares (100 shares) are eligible. Please refer to the shareholder return for more information.
Please see the Shareholder return -
When is the general meeting of shareholders?
The annual general meeting of shareholders is held every year in March.
What are the dates of record for dividends?
The dates of record for year-end dividends and mid-term dividends are, respectively, December 31 and June 30 each year.
What is your dividend policy?
Our fundamental policy is to set long-term prospects, to prepare for the capital required for investment into research facilities and production facilities, to improve our competitiveness and profitability, to give consideration to a variety of conditions such as the business environment, and to stably redistribute profit.
What should I do to exercise my voting rights at the general meeting of shareholders?
A notice to convene the general shareholders meeting and a voting form will be sent to shareholders who are listed in the shareholder register as having at least one unit of shares (100 shares) as of closing on the cut-off date for the general meeting of shareholders (December 31 each year). Voting rights can be used either by bringing the voting form to the general meeting of shareholders or by mail.
Who should I contact for IR-related inquiries?
Please use the inquiry form to make your inquiry.
→Inquiry form
Other inquiries
- Inquiries about flexo inks and sheet-fed offset inks:Paper & Packaging Ink Div.
- Inquiries about gravure inks:Gravure Packaging Ink Div.
- Inquiries about newspaper inks and web offset inks:Information Media Div.
- Inquiries about functional materials such as industrial inkjet inks, Pigment dispersion for color filter, and powder toners:Digital & Specialty Products Div.